A double rainbow after the storm.

A double rainbow after the storm.
A double rainbow after the storm.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

FALL IS UPON US! And what a beautiful fall it has been. I finally cleaned up my garden area and the next thing to do will be to save the seeds from my Marigolds! I'm hoping to recycle them for next year! They were so beautiful all season long and added extra color this fall when everything else was done blooming.

Two things that have taken FOREVER to bloom are my Jalapeno Peppers and New Mexico Chile Peppers! I had put them into huge pots a few months ago and the blooms started to cover the plants. With the cold weather moving in, I have moved the pots indoors at night and back out during the day to capture as much sunlight as possible. Last night I went to look at them -- and they are starting to turn red!

This is another pot full of peppers and all of the plants are covered in flowers! I think I'm going to have peppers all the way through Christmas!

The image below is actually a better shot of my carpet than of the pepper blooms, but you get the idea. :)

Here is an image of some peppers turning red! YAY!

I have never grown hot peppers before and I'm very excited to have had such success with my first attempt! I'm planning to visit my mother this weekend for her birthday and hopefully with her help -- and my sister's help -- I can can some of these up! :)