A double rainbow after the storm.

A double rainbow after the storm.
A double rainbow after the storm.

Monday, July 19, 2010

New Craft Ideas!

Here are some new craft ideas... as you can see... the tags are still on the items! I am hoping to get some of these done for the Farmer's Market next week. These will be a little bit higher in price because the cost to produce them is more...but hopefully people will still fall in love with them!

Here is a picture of a birdhouse that I painted cream and the roof hunter green with some textured paint added. The bird picks up the green really well in his wing. This project will be like the one in a previous post, where the birdhouse gets put on a dowel and then glued into a base. I think for this one, I'm going to cut the dowel a bit shorter so that the berries and leaves can cascade up and around the birdhouse.

Here is another color scheme of the same project described above. This birdhouse was painted cream and then I used green textured paint over the entire thing. This project will also have a base and a dowel to connect it to the birdhouse.

This is a picture of a grapevine wreath with harvest colors and fruit. There are apples on there now and I'm going to add some pears and more leaves. Right now I have the bird sitting in a nest, but I haven't decided if I'll keep that yet or not.

I really like the look of this wreath. The vines that point outward really give it a unique look. This is going to be another harvest wreath. I plan to put harvest colored flowers, leaves and gourds (closer to the middle then what is displayed) of the wreath.

This one is probably going to end up being one of my favorites! I love this little owl!!! And he really matches the harvest colors that I'm using. This one is going to have harvest colored leaves and berries. It will be filled out more once I cut the bouquet of silks apart.

That's it for now--Lots of projects underway! I have a few more that are still in the works but I haven't had a chance to take any pictures of them yet! I will post more soon!

It has been raining for most of the day so I'm not going to the market tonight--but wouldn't you know it? The sun just came out! DARN! Oh well. It will give me an evening to work on one of these projects. I need some helpers! :)

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