A double rainbow after the storm.

A double rainbow after the storm.
A double rainbow after the storm.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Images from my garden shortly after being planted!

Here is a picture of the garden--about a month ago (June). I put up a fence around the garden after a rabbit helped himself to one of my sweet bell pepper plants!

Here is a picture of my yellow onions. I was VERY excited to see them pop up! :)

Shortly after these pictures were taken, I put down some black mulch around all of the plants. The mulch will hopefully help keep some of the weeds down and will help retain moisture.

I added some Preen to the garden after that--once I conceded that I was Not going to be putting any seeds into the garden directly. I started some watermelon seeds in the house--and learned very quickly that watermelon seeds are actually a bit fickle!! Who knew?! They don't like to be too dry and they don't like to be too wet and they most certainly do not like to be indoors! I should have read up on them before I watched them wilt away-- but it was too late. There was Preen in the garden, so I couldn't plant the seeds and apparently watermelon resent being transplanted as a seedling! Lesson learned!

No watermelon for me this year! But that's ok because I'm going to be swimming in vegetables!

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