A double rainbow after the storm.

A double rainbow after the storm.
A double rainbow after the storm.

Monday, July 19, 2010

My First Cucumber EVER!

We had one of the hottest days of the year this past weekend. Heat index at around 11o degrees. I stayed inside for most it. I did, however, make it out to the garden on Saturday morning to start the soaker hose and to water the flowers. I noticed one of my cucumber plants trying to climb up a nearby tomato cage and I was tugging lightly on the stem but it would not pull through the cage. I walked over to the other side of the tomato plant and tried to see what the cucumber was attached to--and noticed this large cucumber lying in the middle of the cage--happy as can be! :)

Here are a couple of pictures of my very first cucumber ever!

I checked my garden again last night and it appears that many of the tomatoes are starting to turn red! I'm hoping within the next week or so I will have some tomatoes to take to the Farmer's Market in Coralville.

I'm going to start posting some of my craft items as well. They are all coming along slowly but surely. :)

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