A double rainbow after the storm.

A double rainbow after the storm.
A double rainbow after the storm.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Japanese Beetles and Cucumber Beetles

I went out to my garden last night and noticed some bright yellow--beetle looking bugs--with black dots on its back. I looked it up online and I think it's a cucumber beetle. I haven't noticed them on my cucumbers (crossing my fingers) but they are on my zucchini plant. I have read mixed reviews on the bug--some say it destroyed their garden--some say they never really touched anything. I'm not sure what the result of my garden will be, however, I did notice a bloom fell off of the plant--there is a picture of it below. The yellow bug is in the dirt beside it but I couldn't get a clear shot of him because they move so fast.

The rest of the garden seems to be doing well! Here are some pictures of my tomatoes.

The other pest in my yard is the Japanese Beetle. They have devoured one of my ornamental trees--to the point where I will need to dig it up and plant something else. This year they have headed for my roses and my Basil plants. I did spray the plants and as you can see in the picture below, there are hundreds of them dead in the dirt below. I had added more soil just a few days ago, covering up a layer of these bugs--this layer of bugs is only a few days old. Can you imagine how many are actually around?
Our entire neighborhood is struck every year by this beetle. Some neighbors put out beetle bags, which has an aroma to it that attracts the beetle and pulls it away from the plant. However, some believe that the bags themselves call the beetles to the neighborhood. I tried the bags last year, and they would fill full every week. Imagine a plastic bag from Walmart being filled with Japanese Beetles every week--that's how bad the situation is in our area. :( Spray does deter them--does kill them--however I hate to use it. I hate to use it because it can also deter the insects I want and need in my yard--like bees! I love my bees! :(

I have planted some bush beans in a pot, however, I have read that the Japanese Beetle is a major lover of them! So, I still have the beans in the house--I'm scared to put them out there to fend for themselves against this six legged garden destroyer.

Here is a picture of my rose bush after a weekend of being allowed to eat all they could.

I picked up some spray shortly after I noticed them in the yard--the roses have begun to bounce back--however I fear the Basil has been lost to them. I'm hoping that I can, at the very least, keep the beetles at a distance so that I don't lose more of my yard to them.

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