A double rainbow after the storm.

A double rainbow after the storm.
A double rainbow after the storm.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Creating my garden plot

Here are some pictures of the sod cutter I used and the garden plot afterward!

To give you an idea of size, the green marker on the edge measures 5' in length.

Here is my trusty wagon! No more back-breaking lifts! (And it also worked as a resting bench ;) This was a lot of work!)

The garden ended up being around 6' x 17'.
A friend came over and tilled this garden area along with some landscaping that I was working on. Once that was done, I added bags of garden soil and time to put the plants in! I was told by a friend of mine that if you plant marigolds all around your garden that it will keep the rabbits out. So, I purchased a flat of them and planted them around the perimeter.

These pictures were taken around Memorial Day Weekend.

I added some Peat Moss to the garden soil to help hold in moisture and improve texture.

I thought if I added these pinwheels to the garden corners that the movement would also help keep the rabbits out! But I think they are more cute than they are effective! :)

I planted the tomatoes (right) and four cucumber plants (left).

The marigolds are very pretty--however--they did Not keep the rabbits out! I check on my garden daily and a rabbit had hopped into the center of the garden and had eaten ALL of the leaves off of a sweet bell pepper plant! So, the very next day I was forced to put up a fence around the garden!

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